Gallery: TwoTrees TOTEM S

This is a gallery dedicated to my TwoTrees Totem S laser engraver. I am not sure if I will publish any of those pictures on my Instagram, because @Namu3D is related to 3d printing and 3D printers – but please, do visit :))

Two Trees TOTEM S Laser engraver

☆ Laser power: 5,5 W
☆ Machine input power: 40 W
☆ Replaceable laser module

Totem s can engrave different material including wood, plastic, paper, bamboo, horn, leather, sponge paper, glass and metal.

The Laser module, bracket and the assembly parts have been upgraded, compared to older Totem and Stump models. Totem S has new Lifting platform to adjust the laser height and focus, X axis belt tensioner and red mini laser low-power cross positioning. Better laser lens with more foxused laser beam with 20mm focusing distance. LKS mainboard supports communication at 115200 baud rate, and engraving speeds up to 3000 mm/sec… really not uasble :)) … maximum movement should be around 1000 mm/s or lower.

☆ Engraving Mode: photo, text, scan, outline, pixel laser engraving
☆ Control Software System: Benbox, GrblController, LiteFire, LaserGRBL etc.
☆ Carving materials: wood, plastic, paper, bamboo, leather sponge paper, stainless steel, anodized aluminum, etc.
☆ Engraving materials which are not supported: metal, stone, glass, reflective or transparent materials
☆ Function: Very suitable for amateur laser engraving to use low-light positioning and free positioning functions
☆ Carving area of 300 x 300 mm and open-gantry design with no restriction on carving height
☆ Three stepper motor drivers provide faster movement speed.
☆ 5.5W (optical power) violet laser module with heat sink

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